

New streets

The connection between Barakaldo town centre and the Galindo area required rehabilitating streets and converting some of them into boulevards. This was the case with Calle Murrieta, which has been converted into a wide tree-lined promenade, the axis between the Renfe-Cercanías station and Lasesarre areas, where the new sports facilities are located (football pitch and sports centre). This boulevard covers 22,500 m2 with the existing square facing the sports centre, 6-metre wide pavements and two traffic lanes on each side, separated by a central reservation. The project is the work of Santdra Töpfer and Dirk Bertuleit, in collaboration with Iñigo de Viar. Calle Arana and Calle Aldapa, which connect Urban-Galindo with the centre of the municipality, were also redeveloped to give priority to pedestrian use, public transport and the planting of new trees.

Fondo Europeo Desarrollo Regional

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